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CanControls GmbH researches and realizes solutions in the field of innovative human-machine-interfaces. For the EMMI project CanControls particularly contributes expertise in the domain of driver monitoring. This includes video-based detection of facial expression, body pose and gestures, as well as measurements of vital signs like heart- and respiratory rate. Another aspect describing the passenger status is the current activity.
In order to determine this activity, information about relevant zones within the vehicle, body pose and interaction with objects are evaluated within the context.
Therefore, CanControls develops the necessary realtime image processing methods by utilizing state-of-the-art techniques. For the video-based scene analysis
colour, infrared, thermal or depth cameras are then selected depending on the application. As associated partner in the collaboration project TANGO, CanControls acquired extensive expertise in the field of driver assessment and modelling. In this project the effect of critical driver states (e.g., distraction and tiredness) on the time required to take over control of the vehicle as well as the corresponding quality of the take-over.
Additionally, the study of the driver’s requirements and requests regarding non-driving activities during automatic driving established the basis for further examinations regarding non-driving activities during SAE level 4 rides like sleeping or mobile working.
CanControls GmbH
Markt 45
D-52062 Aachen